Monday, March 28, 2011

Your Recruitment Agency in New York

We focus on building meaningful, lasting relationships with the most qualified candidates, which translates to familiar faces you can trust on your assignments.

Monday, March 21, 2011

You can expect a timely response to your staffing request

In fact, even your early morning staffing needs are easily satisfied with our AM Standby Program. Most importantly, we guarantee honest assessment of our ability to fill your order. If we can’t fill the job, we’ll tell you, and we’ll tell you why. We promise never to hinder your process.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Taylor Hodson Fashion continues the tradition of excellence forged at Taylor Hodson

Our recruiting team is determined and prepared to meet every possible staffing need. Each member of our staff has a thorough understanding of how the Fashion Industry works, and is uniquely qualified to respond to your needs and expectations.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Taylor Hodson delivers quickly and consistently

We are proud of the hands-on service we provide, not only to our clients, but also to our employees. We focus on building meaningful, lasting relationships with the most qualified candidates, which translates to familiar faces you can trust on your assignments.